Postfach 1353
8031 Zürich

Questions and answers

Kontaktiere uns zu jeder Tages- und Nachtstunde, wenn du willst, auch ohne deinen Namen zu nennen! Gemeinsam können wir nach Lösungen suchen.

044 341 49 45

info AT maedchenhaus DOT ch

Call us or send us a sms or an e-mail. We will then discuss the situation.
According to your situation, you can come to the Mädchenhaus within 1 to 2 days. You do not need a permission from the authorities or from any other person.

Yes, you can live in the Mädchenhaus. If necessary, you can stay here for 3 months.
We have space for 7 girls. They are all girls or young women who experience violence in their homes and no longer want to live at home. In the Mädchenhaus, the girls live in a single or in a double room.
In the Mädchenhaus, there is always a staff member. Also during the night. There is always someone you can talk to.

We agree on a meeting point over the phone. We will get you at this meeting point.

No. Someone can come with you to the meeting point.
We want to protect all the girls. Therefore, no one is allowed to know where the girls’ refuge is.

If you are under 18 years old: yes, we have to tell your parents. But we only tell them that you are in a safe place. We do not tell them, where you are.
If you are 18 years or older, you can decide yourself, if and how we should inform your parents.

You will get your personal counselor. She assists you during your whole stay in the Mädchenhaus.
You can discuss your questions and your goals with her. And she will come with you to the meetings with the authorities and offices.

Yes. Except if someone is looking for you, who is dangerous for you.
We think it is important that you continue to go to school or to work.
Therefore we regularly discuss your situation with you.

Yes. You are voluntarily in the Mädchenhaus.
You can go when ever you want. If you are under 18 years old, we have to inform the authorities first

During the day, you can keep the mobile phone.
In the night, you give it to a staff member. This will allow you to relax better...

Yes, you can meet or visit your boy friend or your girl friends outside.

No, you are not allowed to invite your friends to the Mädchenhaus.
We do this so that we can protect all the girls. That is why no one should know the address of the Mädchenhaus.

Yes. It depends on your age though. Very young girls can go out less than older girls.
We want you to stay in the Mädchenhaus the first 48 hours. It is for your own safety. That is how we evaluate how dangerous your situation is for you.

Yes. You can call us. Or you can send us an email.

044/ 341 49 45

info AT maedchenhaus DOT ch